Tell us what you really think ...

We spend a lot of time telling you what we think. It's time we got to know you better and listened to what you think.

The Crikey Census will help us protect our journalism and deliver more of what you want. And unlike that other national survey, our systems are secure.

Tell us a little about who you are, what you're interested in and what you really think about Crikey, our products, our people and our journalism. The whole thing shouldn't take any longer than five minutes. We'd really appreciate it.

We'll even reward you for your time: a $25 Dendy Direct voucher allows you to stream all the latest movies and premium TV you can binge. Be among the first 500 respondents and it's all yours.

You don't even have to tell us your name. No need to boycott.

— Cassidy Knowlton, Crikey editor